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Oby to nie by³ fake:
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Te modele nie wygl±daj± jak z GW. S³aba jako¶æ detali. Na ludziu widaæ nierówno¶ci jakby model by³ z drukarki 3D.
To ma byæ Boxed set i to w plastiku, nie spodziewa³bym siê czego¶ ekstra. Po prostu porz±dna gra. No i robi to FW, nie GW, wiêc ró¿nie mo¿e byæ.
Imperatorowi niech bêd± dziêki!
Bell of lost souls:
Specialist Games
Forge World is effectively being divided into three parts all overseen by Tony Cottarel in an Emperor Palpatine-esq way (in my mind at least). One section is led by Alan Bligh and will continue producing all the normal 40k, 30k and Age of Sigmar that we are used to. Second section is led by Andy Hoare and is focusing on the traditional specialist games that we would recognise from the past like Necromunda, Blood Bowl etc. The final section is going to focus on Lord of the Rings. Each section includes the manager and three developers.
In terms of models, there will be a core focus in plastic in the starting box sets that will be designed by the SG department and then manufactured by the main Studio. Blood Bowl is currently in development but mentions were made about Adeptus Titanicus coming back to its roots of a Titan vs Titan game set in the heresy and additional Necormunda gangs made in resin. All of this is still in very early days of development and chat. The new department opens officially on the 18th January.
One final point is that the main GW Studio is not going to develop the Horus Heresy / Age of Darkness as that it staying within FW. This may include further plastics however as FW may be branching into plastic manufacture in the future as mentioned with the traditional specialist games above.
£ami±ca wiadomo¶æ!
http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2016/01/ … minis.html
Riddle me this... Riddle me that
Dobra, a teraz robimy akcjê na FB i wszyscy w jednym momencie wysy³amy maila do Chrisa Bone.
Plakat twierdzi ¿e wie wiêcej
To ma³y krok dla cz³owieka, ale dla Chiñczyka normalny!
Blood Bowl:
Being worked on currently
Miniatures are in design
Orks and Humans are in the box
GW has shown some miniatures that are finished already
Box Art is not final
Game will be in the channel within 12 months!
http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2016/03/ … om-gw.html