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Riddle me this... Riddle me that
Ronin is a skirmish wargame set in late 16th century feudal Japan, and provides a historically accurate game with the flavour and excitement of such Akira Kurosawa films as Seven Samurai and Yojimbo. Players choose a force from one of several varied factions, each with unique character options, from reliable samurai and ashigaru to fearless sohei warrior monks and desperate bandits. They may also recruit swords-for-hire to supplement their forces – masterless ronin, wandering martial arts masters and secretive ninja will lend their skills to any commander who can afford them. A full points system, incorporating a wide range of equipment and skills allows players to develop unique, but balanced, characters. The fast-paced D6-based system reflects the cut and thrust of hand-to-hand combat and requires the player to make tactical decisions in the middle of a fight. A campaign system allows for the development of characters over time, and sample scenarios give options for more varied games beyond straight-up battles.
Ronin is copyright Osprey Publishing 2013.
Miniatures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted.
Riddle me this... Riddle me that
2x initiates w/ yumi & medium armour
2x initiates w/ teppo & medium armour
3x sohei w/ naginata & medium armour
1x senior w/ tetsubo & medium armour
2x peasants with farm implements
1x bandit with yumi & light armour
1x bandit with teppo & light armour
2x bandits with yari & medium armour
1x lieutenant with teppo & medium armour
1x lieutenant with naginata & medium armour
1x leader in heavy armour with sword
1x ronin with nodachi & heavy armour
2x ashigaru with yumi & medium armour
2x ashigaru with yari & medium armour
2x ashigaru with teppo & medium armour
2x samurai with katana & heavy armour
1x hatamoto samurai with naginata & heavy armour
5x Initiates with katana .
2x Senior students with katana .
1x Senior student with nodachi .
1x Sensei with katana & wakizashi .
Czytalem... ale nie wiedzialem, ze wyszly dedykowane modele... ;]
Osprey, czyli bedzie fajny, solidny historycznie ruleset.
Trzeba bedzie zerknac. ;]
Tylko modele trzebaby wziąć od Kensei, bo tym brzydactwem nie da się grać...
Ja zwróciłem uwagę na modele. Co Ci się w nich nie podoba blacku?