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Heh, tyle by³o z tego ¶miechu, ale to jednak prawda! Jest ju¿ takie cacko! I to nie jest tylko wersja do parkowania - to je¼dzi w ten sposób balansuj±c na dwóch ko³ach.
Niestety to cacko tak je¼dzi tylko przy ma³ych prêdko¶ciach. Je¿eli chcemy jechaæ szybciej to rozk³ada siê do takiej postaci:
Tutaj najnowsza wersja UNO III z trzema ko³ami:
The current Uno is our most recent version. It’s a road-ready transformer.
It’s small enough to fit in an elevator or bring inside an apartment and stable enough to handle Boston’s morning rush hour. The Uno now has three wheels. In Uno mode, the vehicle is a dicycle that balances on a single pair of parallel wheels, enabling unmatched nimbleness with an extremely tight turning radius. At high speeds, a middle wheel deploys forward and the outer wheels shift backwards – transforming the Uno into a full street bike. This patented system allows the U3 to be stable throughout the transition.
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