Wargaming Wroc³aw

Baner 26cm



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#1 2014-07-11 07:20:11



Zarejestrowany: 2010-08-31
Posty: 2372

Gwardyjski pancerny turbo-rozierdziel!

Takie co¶ mi siê wkrêci³o.
Grali¶my tym z Czysem na testach z 5 razy i ani razu to nie przegra³o. Kosmos jaki¶, w koñcu znalaz³em agresywn± rozpê, która nagradza bycie wariatem.

Guards Armoured Squadron
HQ: 3xSherman V - 250
Joe Vandeleur - 50

1 Armoured Platoon : 3xSherman V, Fierefly FC - 385
2 Armoured Platoon : 3xSherman V, Fierefly FC - 385
3 Armoured Platoon : 3xSherman V, Fierefly FC - 385

Column Platoon - 100
Recce patrol: 4xStuart IV, 3xAAmg - 225

Total 1780

Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.



#2 2014-07-11 09:12:21



Zarejestrowany: 2010-10-01
Posty: 1438

Re: Gwardyjski pancerny turbo-rozierdziel!

kim jest Joe Vandeleur?



#3 2014-07-11 09:35:05



Skąd: By³em Tu a teraz jestem Tam :P
Zarejestrowany: 2011-03-25
Posty: 2816

Re: Gwardyjski pancerny turbo-rozierdziel!

Wikipedia napisał:

Joe Vandeleur

Brigadier John Ormsby Evelyn 'JOE' Vandeleur DSO and Bar, ON (14 November 1903 – 4 August 1988) was a British Army officer who served in the Second World War.

Early life
His family was originally from Kilrush, County Clare, where they were the local landlords. Vandeleur was born in Nowshera, India (now Pakistan).[1]

Military career
He was commissioned into the Irish Guards as a 2nd Lieutenant in 1924, serving in Sudan and Egypt before the war.[1]

As Commanding Officer of 3rd Battalion Irish Guards[1] he led the breakout of XXX Corps during Operation Market-Garden. His cousin Lieutenant-Colonel Giles Vandeleur (their grandfathers were brothers) was acting Commanding Officer of the 2nd Armoured Battalion Irish Guards.[2] He went on to command the 129th Brigade and 32nd Brigade.[1] He retired from the Army in 1951.[1]

His memoirs A Soldier's Story were privately printed by Gale & Polden in 1967.[3]

In the 1977 film A Bridge Too Far, Michael Caine played J.O.E.[4] and Michael Byrne played Giles Vandeleur. Brigadier Vandeleur (ret.) acted as Military Consultant to the production.

He lived out his life after the war in a magnificent manor house in Pinkneys Green, near Maidenhead in Berkshire.

Vandeleur died in Maidenhead, England in 1988.[1]

He is buried in Brookwood Cemetery.[1] His grave is marked by a simple headstone inscribed only "J.O.E. V 1903 - 1988" and underneath "Once an Irish Guardsman".
See also

Joe's Bridge — is the nickname given to Bridge No.9 on the Maas–Scheldt Canal in the Belgian city of Lommel just south of the Belgian–Dutch border.




#4 2014-07-11 09:42:39



Zarejestrowany: 2010-10-01
Posty: 1438

Re: Gwardyjski pancerny turbo-rozierdziel!

czyli jaki¶ special character fowowy




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