KvaN - 2011-09-08 10:03:59


Jako że nasza społeczność Infinity się rozrasta i dojrzewa powoli, gramy coraz częściej z wykorzystaniem misji, proponuję do turniejów i patroli włączać powoli jakieś konkretne scenariusze. Przed włączeniem proponowałbym jakiś play testing na Wieczorach Weteranów. Niektóre z tych propozycji są bardzo interesujące. Urozmaiciło by to bardzo rozgrywkę i podniosło rangę specjalistów w znaczny sposób.

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Scenarios by panzerkunst

Mission Roulette  This is a random mission generator where both players roll after deployment to find out what their objectives will be.  It's very well regarded in the community!

It's Complicated  A "Blackhawk Down" style mission where one player rescues a downed pilot in the other player's territory, with the added complication of a popular LT on the rescuer's side.

Panzerkunst's "Cascading Scenario" is a series of linked games.

Easter Egg  Jack ALEPH's experimental TAG.

Electronic Omelet  Oops, you destroyed the experimental TAG and the owner set his gunships on you.  Bring home its hard drive, at least.

Hot Potato  You escaped with the TAG?  No you didn't.  You got shot down and those gunships are all over you.

Broken Arrow  There's a dangerous nanite leak!  Lock that thing down and program the nanites to work for you.

Project Basilisk  The deployment of a nano-virus has immobilized everyone!  Get the drones in there and unlock your troops before the enemy can unlock his.

Yojimbo  There's a samurai for hire standing on a box I need.  Go and get it, and maybe get the samurai, too.

Force Recon  Hide-and-Go-Seek with guns.  The recon player tries to get LoF on the ambusher, and the ambusher tries to stay hidden and make the recon dudes dead.

Dark Stalkers  A Predator-esque scenario where the "hunter" tries to exterminate the "prey," who tries to silently eliminate hunters one by one without witnesses.

R&D Facility  A storm knocks visibility down while your forces are scattered in a weird R&D Facility.  Hilarity ensues.

Scenarios by HairyDave

The below six scenarios are part of a campaign and meant to be played in order and includes rewards and spoils.  However, HairyDave has provided tips for running each game alone, too!

Scenario 1: Let's Have a Look  Your group has been tasked with probing the enemies lines to determine what kind of defences they have set up. O-12 observers have been spotted in the area so all care should be taken to abide by the Concillium Conventions.

Scenario 2: Poke 'em in the Eyes  "0-12 is onto us. High Command need to keep them out of the way for as long as possible and they've tasked your team with neutralising the orbital communications and observation network. We have located an old emergency comm relay that can be used as a backdoor but it will need to be brought online before it can be used.

Scenario 3: Operation Xmas Time  "Now that 0-12 can't interfere, high command have targeted one of their supply dumps for a quick raid. The warehouse is well-protected but it shouldn't be much of an obstacle, and the toys available are worth the risk!"

Scenario 4: Geek Round-Up  "A group of independent researchers has come up with a new method of scanning for Teseum deposits and have located a monster lode somewhere off the coast . We want it but we don't know how to find it so we need your team to snatch at least one of the scientists to find out what they know."

Scenario 5: Time for a Probing  "Interrogation of the science team has turned up the location of the new deposit but we need some specialised gear to get to it. Your team has been tasked with picking up the pieces to assemble a deep-sea probe."

Scenario 6: Stake your Claim  "We have the location and we have the probe. Time to make our claim to the deposit legal."

Scenarios by descrii

Revenge on the Nerds The Attacker has located an office where REM pilots go to work and plans bloody, bloody vengeance on the REM jocks.  This scenario has a Kill-Team style infiltration mechanic.

Kill the Tank The enemy has parked a great badass tank in a congested location and we're sending you to kill it by any and all means.

Secure the Evacuation Route  The defender must hold a road long enough for a convoy to arrive and pass through at high speed.  The attacker wants to destroy a particular truck.

Informant Extraction  A scientist the Attacker was trying to steal from the Defender got lost in mafia-infested territory.  Find him and bring him out!

Rules of Engagement  Not a scenario, but ten complications you can add to a scenario to make life more difficult.  Use them as handicaps for more experienced players or for bragging rights.

Descrii's Zombie Trilogy

Z-Day  An unusual scenario where the attacker takes on the role of a horde of zombies and the defender tries to hold a strongpoint to evacuate as many civilians as possible.

Zombie 112  Part 2 of the zombie series.  After initial containment, teams are sent in to recover survivors and eliminate infected corpses.

Zombie Cleanse  Part 3, in which troops fight house-to-house to reclaim the city from the dead.  This is a semi-cooperative scenario where both players fight against the zombies and not against each other.

Scenarios by mr_smigs

In Plane Sight  A zondbot full of lovely data has just gotten off an aircraft in a crowded facility and you have to get the zondbot while loads of civilians do annoying things like screaming, running, and getting shot.

Highrise Encounter  This is more a special setup than a traditional scenario.  Mr. Smigs has given us some terrain-specific rules for rooftop fighting.

Boarding Actions  Another set of tweaks for an unusual setting from Mr. Smigs.  This time it's inside space ships.

Scenarios by Necra-Chi

Take and Hold  Each player has a building they're secretly trying to capture and hold.

Scenarios by jeremy6801

Raid  The attacker tries to seize data from four data points and the defender tries to stop him.  To complicate things, there's an electrical storm disrupting repeaters and making AD more difficult.

Escort  The defender has to move 2 transports full of miners from one side of the board to the other while the attacker tries to kill everybody and steal the transports.

Scenarios by Dude

Universal Objective-Based Scenario  These are some very generic objectives the players can choose before a game.

Scenarios by Llew

Emergency Evacuation  A "retrograde operation" where the defender just wants to go home.

Scenarios by Michel

Tactical Operating System (TaOS)  This is another random mission generator.  Michel tells us it's become a semi-official staple of the Infinity scene in Italy.

Lab Strike!  An in-depth treatment of indoor warfare.

The Beast  A multiplayer scenario where a group of scientists have made The Thing That Should Not Be Made and you're asked to go rescue their nerdy asses and get some samples of their evil Thing.

Scenarios by Medusa

Zombies!  Everybody's favorite brain-eating undead Apocalypse-makers vs. Infinity.

Scenarios by MysteryCat

The Continuation of Diplomacy  An assassination scenario with an NPC target and three bodyguards that double-move toward the defender's board edge each round.

Scenarios by Jassal

Elimination  An assassination scenario where the target is the defender's LT.  The attackers are ambushing the defenders at significant advantage, and the defender must hold out.

Beleagured  A small team is beset by a larger attacking force and must hold out until reinforcements arrive.  Very cinematic stuff.

After Hours  In the dead of night a covert team is given the go-ahead to rescue an informant within an enemy metropolis. First, they have to sneak through the market district.

Scenarios by Quozl

Aliens vs. Infinity  17 Turns?  You're not gonna last 17 orders, man!  A notable scenario because it's a co-op scenario where both players oppose the aliens, which are controlled according to a sort of program.

Scenarios by Penemue

Alone in the Dark  A boarding action where you have to snatch some boxes of goodies while fending off "creatures" and making your opponent's life short and brutal.  The scenario is specifically for light troops.

Catch Me If You Can  A rogue AI has escaped from ALEPH wearing a brand new lhost suit.  You want to get ahold of it, but it might be tricky, since the AI can jump out of that body.

Fast Missions and Special Actions  A random mission generator featuring such dirty deeds as "Murder," "Kidnapping," and "Vengeance."  Inspired by a line in Human Sphere.

Scenarios by Athanandros

The Cure??  Conceived as another scenario for the zombie campaign (see Descrii's scenarios), this one takes place in a laboratory where scientists may have developed a cure just before being overrun by zombies made even more bloodthirsty than ever!

Scenarios by KingKaneda

Cooperative Scenario: Zombie Survival  A video game style zombie fight where multiple players fight impetuous zombies that enter through gates.  Features different types of zombies (spitters, tanks, etc.) like in some video games.

Scenarios by DrHobo
Left4Infinity A video game style zombie fight, similar to the one by KingKaneda, but in which each player plays only 1-3 models, so it has an RPG feel.

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