cavalierdejeux - 2011-04-08 16:35:51

Paul Dobson (GW) napisał:

Important notice about changes to our Product Range
4th April 2011

As you will have noticed over the last few weeks we have been going through a range review which has seen multiple codes being removed from our main range (in Retail and on the Trade order pads).

Don’t be concerned- This is all part of a plan.

Every year we review our range and assign products to Retail/Trade, or to Direct (or remove them entirely) depending on their sales performance.

This year we are moving many codes that do not sell well to Direct.

Products being removed from Retail/Trade are currently being run down, and are now ‘available while stocks last’.

We will be re-launching some of these codes in a new format and we will let you know about this in due course.

This will leave us with a Retail and Trade range that contains our most popular and fastest selling products.

All this will take place over the upcoming weeks, until then it’s business as usual!

Jedna wielka ściema...
Wycofali produkty, które słabo idą :lol:
Podam tu przykłady: wszystkie metale do Space Marines i do Orków oraz ponad 200 innych metalowych figurek!

Z kolei nowości są wycofywane po 3 miesiącach (tzw. splash) lub po wyczerpaniu pierwszego nakładu (nawet te co miały być w normalnej sprzedaży) :(